Mikyung Kim

Parsons  School of Design, MFA 1999, New York, NY
Parsons  School of Design, AS, Graphic Design, 2001, New York, NY

Solo Exhibition
2024 Through Time, A-Lounge Gallery, Seoul, Korea
2023 Dam, the aesthetics of white color, Artprojectco Gallery, Seoul, Korea
2023 In Stillness Like a Mirror, Helen J. Gallery, LA
2022 Resonance, Gallery Luan & Co., Seoul, Korea
2022 Sky, Wind and Stars, Francis Gallery, Bath, UK
2020 Stratums, Dategallery, Busan, Korea
2020 Layered Moments, Drawingroomseoul, Seoul, Korea
2015 Time is standing quietly, Gallery b’ONE, Seoul, Korea
2014 The path: Walking in the sorrow, Alter Ego, Seoul, Korea
2010 Essence of Layer Dr. Park Gallery, Yangpyeong, Korea
2010 Time is a mirror, Gallery b’ONE, Seoul, Korea
2007 Life is a flower, Pleiades Gallery, New York, NY
2007 Before the tree was tree, Amos Eno Gallery, New York, NY
2006 Unfinished Songs, Pleiades Gallery, New York, NY
2005 The Closer, Amos Eno Gallery, New York, NY
Two Persons Exhibition
2019 Transcendence, Leeahngallery, Daegu, Korea
2018 Dear tree, From Book(photography), Datz Press, Seoul
2016 Full-filled Emptiness, Nook Gallery, Seoul

Selected Group Exhibition
2024 Serene Stay, Artprojectco Gallery, Seoul
2020 The story that I only can know, Dohingart Gallery, Seoul
2018 Salon de Nook Gallery, Nook Gallery, Seoul
2018 Here, Now, Datz Museum of Art, Gwangju(Gyeonggi), Korea
2016 The Edge of Night, OCI Museum of Art, Seoul, Korea
2016 Layers of Mind, Time and Years, White Block Art Center, Heyri, Gyeonggi, Korea
2015 Mind-scape, Datz Museum, Gwangju(Gyeonggi), Korea
2014 Artist, Portrait of the Aesthetic Soul, Keumboseong Art Center, Seoul, Korea
2011 Depaysement-An Accidental encounter, Dr. Park Gallery, Yangpyeong, Korea
2010 Gazing Beyond, b’ONE Gallery, Seoul, Korea
2009 D.U.M.B.O Art Festival, Open Studio, Brooklyn, NY
2009 Making It, Deutsche Bank, New York, NY
2008 D.U.M.B.O Art Festival, Open Studio, Brooklyn, NY
2007 D.U.M.B.O Art Festival, Open Studios, Brooklyn, NY
2007 Pleiades Celebrating 33 Years, Pleiades Gallery, New York, NY
2006 The Square, The Temporary Museum of Painting, Brooklyn, NY
2006 D.U.M.B.O Art Festival, Open Studio, Brooklyn, NY
2006 Wish You Were Here, A.I.R. Gallery, New York, NY
2006 Generations 05, A.I.R. Gallery, New York, NY
2006 Independent, Amos Eno Gallery, New York,   NY
2006 Pleiades Celebrating 32 Years, Pleiades Gallery, New York, NY
2005 Night of 1,000 Drawings, Artists Space, New York, NY
2005 D.U.M.B.O Art Festival, Open Studios, Brooklyn, NY
2005 Recent Work, Open Studio, Brooklyn, NY
2004 Winter Group Show, Amos Eno Gallery, New York, NY
2004 D.U.M.B.O Art Festival, Open Studios, Brooklyn, NY
2004 The Solo Art Show, BWAC, Brooklyn, NY
2004 New Members Group Show”, Pleiades Gallery, New York, NY
2004 Generations 04, A.I.R. Gallery, New York, NY
2002 D.U.M.B.O Art Festival, Open Studios, Brooklyn, NY
2002 Generations III: A Survey of Women Artists,
         A.I.R. Gallery, New York, NY
2002 Small Works, 25th Competition and Exhibition,
         Washington Square East Galleries, New York, NY
2001 Exhibition of Korean and American Contemporary Artists,
         Jungang Cultural Center, New York, NY
2001 Fourth Biennial Exhibition, A.I.R. Gallery, New York, NY
2001 Small Works, 24th Competition and Exhibition,
         Washington Square East Galleries, New York, NY
2000 Annex, Gallery X, New York, NY
2000 Xtreme Xterior Xhibition, The Annual Marcus Garvey Park
          One Day Art Show, Gallery X, New York, N
2000 Art of the Northeast, 51st Annual Exhibition,
         Silvermine Guild Arts Center, New Canaan, Connecticut
2000 Koridor (Corridor), 50 Artists from East to West,
          Organized by FATT Art Committee and Gallery X, Asia Minor, New York, NY
2000 Generations II: A Survey of Women Artists at the Millennium, A.I.R. Gallery, New York, NY
1999 Warmer Still, Exhibition of Paintings, Sculptures and Photographs, Videoland, New York, NY

2023  https://www.arterealizzata.com/interviews/a-winsome-conversation-with-mikyung-kim
2019  www.yeongnam.com, 2019.5.29, Daegu, Korea
2019  www.imaeil.com, 2019.5.30, Daegu, Korea
2019  www.idaegu.com, 2019.5.26, Daegu, Korea
2019  www.iDaegu.co.kr, 2019.6.3, Daegu, Korea
2018  Magazine Gitz(Yearly magazine) Vol. 10, 2018, Seoul, Korea
2018  Ordinary (Monthly magazine) August, 2018, No.16, Seoul, Korea
2016  Public Art (Monthly Art magazine) November, 2016, Seoul, Korea
2016  Art in Culture (Monthly Art magazine) November, 2016, Seoul, Korea
2015  Wolganmisul (Monthly Art magazine) August, 2015, Seoul, Korea
2015  MK Business News, June 11, 2015, Seoul, Korea
2010  Artwave (Monthly Art & Culture Magazine) May 2010 No.07, Seoul, Korea
2010  Wolganmisul (Monthly Art Magazine)June 2010, Seoul, Korea
2007  Abstract Art Online, New York Views, January 15th, 2007, New York, NY
2007  The Korea Times, New York, NY
2006  Stereotype Magazine, New York, NY
2000  The Korea Times, New York, NY
1999  NY Arts Album, NY Arts Vol. No. 7July/August, New York, NY
2018 Tree thought, ISBN:978-89-97605-32-3, Datz Press, Seoul

2010 Haje Creative Community, Gyunggi-Do, Korea

Datz Museum of Art
Private collections in Korea and U.S.A

김 미경(Kim Mikyung)
Solo Exhibition
2024 시간 사이로, 에이라운지 갤러리, 서울
2023 담, 백색의 미학, 아트프로젝트 씨오, 서울
2023 거울같은 고요함속에서, 헬렌 제이 갤러리, LA
2022 공명, 갤러리 루안 앤 코, 서울
2022 하늘, 바람 그리고 별, 프란시스 갤러리, 바스, 영국
2020 층, 데이트갤러리, 부산
2020 겹겹의 시간, 드로잉룸서울, 서울
2015 멈춰진 시간, 갤러리 비원, 서울
2014 여정:슬픔 속에서 걷다, Alter Ego, 서울
2010 쌓음(층)의 정수, 닥터 박 갤러리, 양평
2010 시간은 거울이다, 갤러리 비원, 서울
2007 삶은 꽃이다, Pleiades 갤러리, 뉴욕
2007 나무가 나무이기 전에, Amos Eno 갤러리, 뉴욕
2006 끝나지 않은 노래, Pleiades 갤러리, 뉴욕
2005 좀 더 가까이, Amos Eno 갤러리, 뉴욕
Two Persons Exhibition
2019 초월, 리안갤러리, 대구
2018 나무에게, 책으로부터(사진전), 닻프레스, 서울
2016 텅 빈 채움, 누크 갤러리, 서울
Selected Group Exhibition
2024 정(靜)•정(停), 아트프로젝트씨오 갤러리, 서울
2020 나만 볼 수 있는 이야기, 도잉아트, 서울
2018 누크 갤러리 살롱전, 누크 갤러리, 서울
2018 지금, 여기, 닻미술관, 경기도
2016 밤의 가장자리, OCI 미술관, 서울
2016 겉장을 넘기다, 아트 센터 화이트 블록, 헤이리
2015 마음 풍경, 닻 미술관, 광주(경기도)
2014 예술가, 미적 영혼의 초상, 금보성 아트센터, 서울
2011 데페이즈망:우연한 만남, 닥터박 갤러리, 양평(경기도)
2010 저 너머로, 갤러리 비원, 서울
2009 DUMBO 아트 페스티발, 오픈 스튜디오, 브룩클린, 뉴욕
2009 Making It, 도이치뱅크, 뉴욕
2008 DUMBO 아트 페스티발, 오픈 스튜디오, 브룩클린, 뉴욕
2007 DUMBO 아트 페스티발, 오픈 스튜디오, 브룩클린, 뉴욕
2007 Pleiades 33주년 기념전, Pleiades 갤러리, 뉴욕
2006 네모 전, The temporary museum of painting’, 브룩클린, 뉴욕
2006 DUMBO 아트 페스티발, 오픈 스튜디오, 브룩클린, 뉴욕
2006 네가 이곳에 있다면, A.I.R 갤러리, 뉴욕
2006 제너레이션 05, A.I.R 갤러리, 뉴욕
2006 Independent, Amos Eno 갤러리, 뉴욕
2006 Pleiades 32주년 기념전, Pleiades 갤러리, 뉴욕
2005 천 개의 드로잉의 밤, Artists Space, 뉴욕
2005 DUMBO 아트 페스티발, 오픈 스튜디오, 브룩클린, 뉴욕
2005 최근작 전, 오픈 스튜디오, 브룩클린, 뉴욕
2004 동계 그룹전, Amos Eno 갤러리, 뉴욕
2023  https://www.arterealizzata.com/interviews/a-winsome-conversation-with-mikyung-kim
2019 영남일보, 2019.5.29, 대구
2019 매일신문, 2019.5.30, 대구
2019 대구일보, 2019.5.26, 대구
2019 대구신문, 2019.6.3, 대구
2018 깃 메거진, 2018 Vol. 10, 서울
2018 오디너리 (월간지), 2018, 8월, No. 16, 서울
2016 CNB 저널, 2016, 6월, 서울
2016 퍼블릭 아트 2016, 11월, 서울
2016 아트 인 컬쳐, 2016, 11월, 서울
2015 월간 미술, 2015, 8월, 서울
2015 매일 경제신문, 2015 6월 11일, 서울
2010 아트 웨이브, 5월호, 2010, 서울
2010 월간 미술, 6월호, 2010, 서울
2007 Abstract Art online, New York Views, 1월 15일, 2007, 뉴욕
2007 한국 일보, 뉴욕
2006 Stereotype 매거진, 뉴욕
2000 한국 일보, 뉴욕
2010 하제 창작스튜디오, 경기도
1988 성균관대학교 영문학과 졸업
1999 Parsons School of Design, 회화과 대학원 졸업, 뉴욕
2001 Parsons School of Design, 그래픽 디자인 준학사 졸업, 뉴욕